Spencer Gravel
Composer / Percussionist

I am a composer and percussionist originally from Ypsilanti, Michigan. As a composer, I am enamored by music’s unique ability to work in a totally abstract space and create a sense of narrative and drama without the need to refer to anything concrete. As a result, my music often revolves around the exploration of form and the pursuit of new ways of relating materials to each other. I am particularly interested in how the interaction between contradictory forces shapes the world, and I enjoy pitting such forces against each other in my work. One such contradiction is that between structure and spontaneity. Predetermined structures and improvisation are equally important parts of my compositional process, and I like to create rigid formal structures and rely on intuition to both augment and undermine them. My goal is to embed this creative struggle in my music, creating a dramatic tension that captivates the listener.

Because of my background as a percussionist, much of my music contains a strong element of rhythmic experimentation, whether it be playing with expectation and sense of pulse or using complex rhythmic interactions between voices to create lush textures. Primarily written for solo instrumentalists or small chamber ensembles, my music often incorporates found objects as instruments or seeks to combine established instruments in unusual ways to create a unique timbral palette.